Total Visitors in the Day:-

Real-Time Vistors in the Day:-


Max Capacity:37000Visitors

Instant Capacity:9000Visitors

Expected Passenger Flow

Weather Forecast:

Negative Oxygen Ions:-


Air Quality: Level I

Noise: Class I

Surface Water Quality: Class II


Travel in the Great Wetland and Take a Deep Breath


Bamboo Wing Music Square is a cultural and leisure square with music, tea art, catering and aquatic park as its themes. In the square, you can do Great Lakes Yoga with classical music, take deep abdominal breaths to your heart’s content, or sit on a romantic double bench, to quietly enjoy the afternoon, or take a slow ride on a water bike or a pedal pleasure boat, to enjoy a wonderful tour.

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Copyright:Sihong Hongze Lake Ecological Resources Development Co.,Ltd. ICP Filing No.:Su ICP-B-17045549-1
Public Security Filing No.:321324402000556