Total Visitors in the Day:-

Real-Time Vistors in the Day:-


Max Capacity:37000Visitors

Instant Capacity:9000Visitors

Expected Passenger Flow

Weather Forecast:

Negative Oxygen Ions:-


Air Quality: Level I

Noise: Class I

Surface Water Quality: Class II

Aquatic Animals

Travel in the Great Wetland and Take a Deep Breath

Hongze Lake Hairy Crab

release time:2020-09-07

Hongze Lake Hairy Crabs have such external characteristics as “big size, well-stacked meat, green back, white belly, golden claws and strong chela”, and such internal qualities as “bright color, fat cream, savory meat and slightly sweet”. Rich in nutrition, it is a nutritious food with high protein and low fat.


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Copyright:Sihong Hongze Lake Ecological Resources Development Co.,Ltd. ICP Filing No.:Su ICP-B-17045549-1
Public Security Filing No.:321324402000556