Total Visitors in the Day:-

Real-Time Vistors in the Day:-


Max Capacity:37000Visitors

Instant Capacity:9000Visitors

Expected Passenger Flow

Weather Forecast:

Negative Oxygen Ions:-


Air Quality: Level I

Noise: Class I

Surface Water Quality: Class II

Pop Attractions

Travel in the Great Wetland and Take a Deep Breath

Stone Forest

release time:2020-09-04

Stone Forest is built with the materials of local characteristics such as stone mill, stone drive and stone roller, where the roads, rest facilities and flower fences are built, local tree species such as locust tree, Sapium sebiferum, jujube, persimmon, and other evergreen tree species such as Metasequoia glyptostroboides, cypress are planted, and interspersed with Canna, Cortaderia selloana and other wetland characteristic vegetation, and with wood materials are used to make interactive facilities such as seesaw, etc. so as to provide visitors a resting place with quietness, elegance, and strong local flavor.


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Copyright:Sihong Hongze Lake Ecological Resources Development Co.,Ltd. ICP Filing No.:Su ICP-B-17045549-1
Public Security Filing No.:321324402000556